The effectiveness of BHA
It has been established that the best results in the application of the hydroimpulse effect technology are achieved in wells located in oxidized zones of deposits or near high-productive wells, as well as in wells with carbonate and fractured reservoirs, where the filtration surfaces and bottomhole zone are clogged while drilling, developing or operating.

Processing of bottomhole formation zone with hydro impulses
The treatment of the bottomhole formation zone with hydroimpulse effects using the implosion effect is a promising and relatively inexpensive method for increasing the productivity of production and injection oil wells. Due to the energy of the falling column of the borehole fluid, the collmatant is destroyed and the filtration properties of the bottomhole zone are improved, a network of new microcracks is created, which leads to increase of a production rate and injectivity of the injection wells.
Exhibition and meeting in Iran
Встреча с партнерами в Иране